Many believe that FaceBook is a significant threat to Google. It is predicted that FaceBook will earn $1B in 2010. Google has revenues of over $26B. There is an obviously huge disparity there. FaceBook has 500,000,000 active users. What Google has is a more solid foundation (code and biz model) for business. This is more than ‘just users’.
Adwords will grow organically because of support through business apps such as Google Apps, Android and its growing ecosystem, YouTube and Google Earth. There is even tight integration with Why Google has not purchased Salesforce is an open question for months if not years. While Google has business and monetization at its core, FaceBook is trying to morph into a more business/ sales model. The bottom line seems to be that Google because of reasons mentioned and its deep pockets is a freight train that is impossible to stop; at least for the foreseeable future. For additional conversations visit: